Plant Witch
Sharing herbal magick and mysticism, creating community, remembering how to be human.
152 episodes
Earth Oracle
After a long break, this episode is a conversation with the land that is actively ongoing and evolving within the duration of the episode, and beyond. The beings of the Sacred Grove invite you to join us in this weaving of story an...
The Chalice and The Blade
This episode is all about balance, listening deeply, and contemplating our role as humans within the greater story of life. Thanks for joining the conversation.
Plant Spirit Medicine
In this episode I share experiences I have had with the Plant Spirit Medicine Course
Magickal Thinking
The mind is extremely powerful. It can lead us to great heights of innovation and discovery, and it can imprison us in the muck and mire of rigidity, criticism and contraction. Allowing the power of the mind to be guided by the lov...
Song of the Self
On this episode, we explore the divine nature of sound. Links from the episode:Druid Wisdom Podcast
Tending the Garden
In the Northern Hemisphere we are feeling the powerful pull of emergence as the green world explodes in growth. As we find ourselves surrounded by abundance and competing invitations for our time, energy and resources, how can we utilize discer...
Clearing the Understory
As we prepare for the coming eclipse, how can we make room for the emergence of the new by releasing what we have outgrown?Sometimes we need help to clear away what is eclispsing our own health, growth, and true identity. H...
The Courage to Grow Up
Let's face it, adults are carrying wounded children around inside ourselves who occasionally tantrum and create chaos. In this week's episode, I share about my own journey of finding the courage to finally, really grow up. This process of...
The Story of Deep Time
Finding ourselves in the story of deep time is one of the ways that we "wildcraft our druidry" and continue to hear what the land is saying today. Join me this week for an exploration of deep time, and right action in response to t...
The New Monastacism Movement
In this episode, which mark's the third anniversary of the launch of this podcast, we explore the New Monastacism movement, a concept that will inform the flavor of the podcast as I move into the future. Some works that I mentione...
Over The Bubbling Cauldron
The first nine minutes of this episode are literally recorded over a bubbling cauldron, haha! If you find that sound to be a trigger for your misophonia, skip to after the nine minute mark. This episode is about the soul of our wor...
Soften and Flow
In this week's podcast episode, we open with a poem by Dana Faudes. To experience another world we nust soften, ...
Bittersweet Paradox
This week's episode challenges us to navigate through the hedge, the world of mists and fog and grey areas and thick undergrowth...the terrain of uncertainty and curiosity, where many things can be true at once. The difficulty of n...
Shadow Work and Pitfalls on the Spiritual Path
In this week's episode, we take a discerning look at shadow work and question the popular romanticized version of this powerful, and dangerous, practice. I frequently reference the book
Red Flags and Yes Boundaries
Being in relationship with other humans, especially when we have had difficult encounters and traumas in our past, can be a really challenging endeavor. In this week's episode, I share some red flags I have encountered in relations...
Druid Witch
What do we do when we discover dividing lines within us? Places where outdated beliefs limit our growth and prevent the deepening of our wholeness?In this week's episode we take another look at the way othering, divisiveness, exile, rig...
Season 7
Episode 3
Changing the Game
If we want something in our lives to change, we have to be willing to change.If we want to see clearly, we have to be willing to see what is uncomfortable.If we want to impact the world around us, we must be willing to change th...
Season 7
Episode 2
When The Morrigan Calls
This episode is not flowery, it is not full of information, or education, or mythology. This episode is from the dying embers of the battlefield, the realm of the Phantom Queen, the place where there are no winners and losers, only lost souls t...
Season 7
Episode 1
Witch Hunting
Please help me support Beck Lawrence, owner of The Serpent's Key, as she courageously endures discrimination from local law enforcement ba...
Season 6
Episode 11
The Wolf Mother
My relationship with the wild continues to teach me about being a mother, a partner, a friend. I am learning how to be clear and direct. How to prioritize my own instincts and needs, and how to trust them. May we find our way back ...
Season 6
Episode 10
There's More to Life Than.....
What is a life?What are we here to experience?How can we find our way to the "More Than" that we are promised?
Season 6
Episode 9
Talking in Circles
Vultures, goldenrod, dark goddesses, transformation, empowerment and more. Thank you for listening, as always.
Season 6
Episode 8
Your Ordination
Do not wait any longer.Do not empower any human to place their hands upon you and claim your worthiness.Receive your ordination now, and become a priest, a priestess, a hedgerider. Make yourself a bridge on this good Earth. ...
Season 6
Episode 7